Rika and Mirei Chan Close Sister

I (Hui) not sure who is elder between Mirei and Rika ..but since Mirei appoint to be elder sister , therefore i let them snap photo together to have a good memories for them. ^^

Rika and Mirei 01 640

I think it is a very first 2 character being together for the first time in one photo in my country. After taking a few shots, i think they are very cute and lovely sister in any ways that i look at it .. ^^ "" Artistic in Cosplay Performers

-* Mia *- Pajamas Teddy (パジャマテディベア)

Since it is an old photo of Mia for her first time photo shooting. I think there are no photo of her wearing pajamas of Teddy bear in this blog. "^^ So since Yui is busy lately, i will be uploading some of the kigurumi photo that i (Hui) have taken before for sharing ^^

Mia bedtime Teddy 01

Mia bedtime Teddy 02

Mia bedtime Teddy 00

-* Mirei *- & -* Rika *-Entry to the Blog

Firstly, i would like to say thank you very much to Mirei Chan and Rika Chan for able to join us in the Blog and also very Warm Welcome too.

Mirei Shana 00-640

Mirei is a very cute and sweet friend of me(Hui) and Yui. Hope to see more of her photos in the blog next time in future ^^ when she have latest updates.


Rika is also very cute Doller character which is very Artistic and lovely Mask. Mirei Facebook is attached in the list on the the side bar in this blog together with me and Yui ^^ everyone is welcome to add her in your Facebook as her friends as well.

- End -
Report from Hui

-* Mia *- Maid Lolita Pt. 02 メイド

in this part 2, i want to thanks Hui for giving some effect on Mia photos.. v(*'-^*)bぶいっ♪

私はミアの写真に何らかの影響を与えてホイに感謝したい v(*'-^*)bぶいっ♪

mia maid 07 640 Edited

mia maid 12 640 Edited

Here are some photos that i like best .. of Mia (○゚ε^○)v ィェィ♪

ここで私が一番気に入っているいくつかの写真があります..ミアの (○゚ε^○)v ィェィ♪

mia maid 11 640 Edited

mia maid 11 640

This is the Original photo of it.. (*'-^*)


Now i know why applying Effect on photo that we have taken may bring the photo look like fantasy ♪v('∇'*)⌒☆ブイブイッ!

我々が行った写真にエフェクトを適用すると、ファンタジーのような写真の外観をもたらす可能性があり、なぜ今私は知っている ♪v('∇'*)⌒☆ブイブイッ!

mia maid 10 640

"Thank you for visit the blog" said Mia v(。・・。)イエッ♪

"ブログをご覧いただき、ありがとうございます"ミアが言った v(。・・。)イエッ♪

mia maid 04 640

"Hope to see you Again" Said Mia ヾ(*・ω・)ノ゜+.゜★ィェィ☆゜+.゜ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

"またお会いしましょう​​"ミアは言った ヾ(*・ω・)ノ゜+.゜★ィェィ☆゜+.゜ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

-* Mia *- Maid Lolita Pt. 01 メイド

mia maid 05 720

どのようにあなたを助けることができますか? (`・ω・´)

How can i help you ? said Mia (`・ω・´)lol

mia maid 04 720

Finally we able to take some photo on Mia wearing Maid costume. I always wanted to see how she look like (>w<*)

最後に、我々はできるようにはメイドの衣装を身に着けているミアのいくつかの写真を撮るために。私はいつも、彼女がどのように見えるか見てみたかった (>w<*)

mia maid 01 720

She look so sweet .. after wearing the Maid costume (。・・。) o o o

彼女はとても甘くてキュートに見える...メイド衣装を着た後、(。・・。) o o o

mia maid 03 720

I'm not sure about you, but i like her photos.. v(。・ω・。)ィェィ♪

私はあなたについてはよく分からないが、私は彼女の写真が好き.. v(。・ω・。)ィェィ♪

mia maid 02 720


Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
KWonder blog is place where we like to share on our mask character that we have achieve and some photo of out Kig character too. Super Sonico was the 1st Anime that we have achieve and made for KWonder. Hope you like her as well. Thank you

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