-* Mia *- Bored ("^_^) ((continue)) 続ける

May I have a look what is that thing? Mia said
ミアは言った :- 私はそのことを見てもいいですか??

MIA 006 720

Oh My!… it’s K-ON Live “Let’s GO” DVD (*'-^*)

MIA 008 720

“Mia Giggle” ho ho ♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪
サイレントミア笑顔 ho ho ♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪

MIA 009 720

MIA 011 720

front DVD cover (*^^)/。・:*:・°★,。
前面のDVDカバー (*^^)/。・:*:・°★,。

MIA 012 720

Inside the DVD ☆♪( ^-^)
DVDインサイド ☆♪( ^-^)

MIA 013 720

Thank you - Mia said
hehe :*.;".*・;・^;・:\(o^▽^o)/:・;^・;・*.";.
ミアは言った :- ありがとう
hehe :*.;".*・;・^;・:\(o^▽^o)/:・;^・;・*.";.

MIA 014 Special 720

Yah .. Hoo... i'm going to take my day off next week (〜・▽・)〜

I feel very happy that, i'm going for a holiday next week together with Hui (〜・▽・)〜

私は来週休暇のために行くよ、という非常に幸せと興奮を感じる (〜・▽・)〜

My expression is just like Mia photo below ( ^_^) hehe

私の行動は単なるミアのようなものです ( ^_^) hoho


i think Mia also excited for a Holiday soon ヽ(゜∀゜)メ(゜∀゜)メ(゜∀゜)ノ huhu *Giggle*

ミアはまた休日のために興奮 ヽ(゜∀゜)メ(゜∀゜)メ(゜∀゜)ノ huhu *サイレント笑顔*


-* Mia *- Bored ("^_^)

Mia is a bit bored today .. so i have a little surprised for her ∀( ̄▽ ̄)∀

ミアは、今日退屈している .. 私は何かで彼女を驚かせたしたい ∀( ̄▽ ̄)∀

MIA 001 720


MIA 002 720

Mia turning her head ( ^_^)//

ミアは彼女の頭部を回す ( ^_^)//

MIA 003 720

Is there anything that i can help? Mia said (≧∇≦)

ミアは言った :- 私はあなたに何かを助けることができますか? (≧∇≦)

MIA 004 720

A surprised for me? Mia said (*^∇^)ノ

ミアは言った :- 私のために驚いたことは? (*^∇^)ノ



-* Mia *- Morning wake up..

Morning wake up to start a new day (^_^)

-* Mia *- Good Morning to all of you ヾ(^∇^)


Mia Trial Shot 02 copy720

Mia feeling great as she pose a "V" sign v(⌒o⌒)v

Mia Trial Shot 03 copy720

Mia hope everyone will have a good day a head ヽ(*⌒∇^)ノ to start your daily works and study in school.

ミアの希望の皆さん、今日は良い時間を持つことになります. 仕事や勉強で良いやっヽ(*⌒∇^)ノ

Mia Trial Shot 01 copy720

Be happy always everyone (^_^)

幸せは常に マタネッ(^ー^)ノ~~Bye-Bye!

A surprised for -* Mia *-

Since Mia don't have a cosplay costume for her so me and Hui bought her a surprised gift for her Christmas present. (*´▽`*) from milanoo website (http://www.milanoo.com)

我々は、ミアの衣装を購入する. それは彼女のクリスマスプレゼント用です (*´▽`*)
我々はここからそれを購入する (http://www.milanoo.com)

2011-11-23 21.34720

it's a White Long Sleeves Blouse And Black Cotton Punk Lolita Skirt ("^_^)


Side d(・∀<)


Hopefully me and Hui can see her in the dress after she receive it (●>ω<●)

我々は、ミアが服を着る楽しみにしています (●>ω<●)


Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
KWonder blog is place where we like to share on our mask character that we have achieve and some photo of out Kig character too. Super Sonico was the 1st Anime that we have achieve and made for KWonder. Hope you like her as well. Thank you

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