K-ON Live "Let's GO"
Me and Hui going to year end sale for Books and DVD near our place. It’s a surprised that we saw K-ON Live “Let’s GO” DVD..+ 1 CD K-ON songs of the season one K-ON.
我々(私とホイ)は、本とDVDの販売に行く. 我々は、DVDのいずれかを見て驚いている.
それは内容: - K-ON Live “Let’s GO” DVD..+ 1 CD K-ON songs

The live K-ON is sang by the actual real voice actor of K-ON character .. wow.. even the music instruments is exactly like K-ON .
ライブK- ONは、文字の背後にある実際の実質の人々によって歌いさ.
楽器はまったく同じようですK- ON …….素晴らしい!

The stage was fill with a lot of people and K-ON fans too.
It is our first time to watch the K-ON live full of Joy.

我々(私とホイ)は、本とDVDの販売に行く. 我々は、DVDのいずれかを見て驚いている.
それは内容: - K-ON Live “Let’s GO” DVD..+ 1 CD K-ON songs

The live K-ON is sang by the actual real voice actor of K-ON character .. wow.. even the music instruments is exactly like K-ON .
ライブK- ONは、文字の背後にある実際の実質の人々によって歌いさ.
楽器はまったく同じようですK- ON …….素晴らしい!

The stage was fill with a lot of people and K-ON fans too.
It is our first time to watch the K-ON live full of Joy.