Do you like Chitanda Eru (Hyouka) Character?

This few weeks or month is quite busy for me .. on my works and also making some kigurumi mask as well. At least one of the mask that is nearly finish and can be going for crafting stage was this Character Chitanda Eru from Hyouka.


About Eru Chitanda

(Eru Chitanda @ Chitanda Eru)

Chitanda is a calm and happy person, but can become very excited when new or interesting things happen, especially when it involves her club. She is described as a beautiful 16 year old girl with long black hair and purple eyes. She usually sports a cheerful expression and is usually seen in her uniform.

(Eru Chitanda Eyes are Unique)

Eru is the single daughter of the Chitanda Family, one of the four remaining wealthy farming families of the area, according to Satoshi. She joined the Classics Club due to "personal reasons", and is the president of the club due to it not retaining any members from the previous year. She likes mysteries and has a great curiosity, which often drags Houtarou into solving them. She often expresses her curiosity the phrase "私気になります!" ("watashi kininarimasu"), often translated as "I'm curious!".

Here is the one of the mask that i'm working on (Eru Chitanda) still nee a little more sanding job and it's done "^^ By using painting software i sketch the eyes onto the mask that i made.. and see how it roughly look like ^^ although it will be different from the finish stage later in future ^^

Eru Chitanda  (Hyouka)

Hopefully i will able to finish the rest of the masks which is still in sanding stage and show you the rest of the character that i'm working on as well on my next post in future. ^^


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The new mask, hope it can finish faster. Don't want wait already. Hehe, just joking.((^_^))____b.

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Hai and i also hope i will able to finish it faster.. but still there is a few mask line up for sanding as well "^^

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Sound like you have a lot of mask to do right now Hui. Keep on going. Addition, nice to meet you Hui ((^_^))

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Nice to know you too Mr (Nobody), it is not really a lot but just to kill my times to spend in my interest and hobby as well which is making a good kigurumi character mask. ^^

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How do you know i am "Mr"and not "Miss". Did I mention about my sex before the comment. (Hehe just have little fun). Anyway, hope you can keep pushing up and wait you next masterpiece. Fighting. d___((^O^))___b

Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
KWonder blog is place where we like to share on our mask character that we have achieve and some photo of out Kig character too. Super Sonico was the 1st Anime that we have achieve and made for KWonder. Hope you like her as well. Thank you

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