Tamiya Acrylic Paint

I haven't thought of buying Acrylic paint from Tamiya brand "^^ for painting on my 2nd kigurumi mask. Since the Price is a bit cheaper then the one i bought for painting Mia Mask. In the end i bought 2 Small Bottles of the color Code:- XF-15 Flat Fresh ^^ because they left only 2 of the stock.

Photo Mia project 02

Tamiya Acrylic Paints are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are excellent for either brush or spray painting. These paints can be used on styrol resins, styrofoam, wood, plus all of the common model plastics. The paint covers well, flows smoothly with no blushing or fading, and can be blended easily

you can search for more details on the product in this website:-


here is the Acrylic paint that i use to paint on Mia kigurumi Mask ^^ It's call FW Acrylic Ink.

Photo Mia project 01

FW Artists' Acrylic Ink is an acrylic based pigmented water resistant ink in a range of 30 colours, all of which have either a three or four star rating for permanence. Such a high degree of lightfastness over such a rang eof fully intermixable colours makes them ideal to use by artists in the production of pictures for permanent display. Equally, however, colours can be substantially diluted to achieve the most subtle of tones, very similar in character to watercolour.

for more information here is the link of it:-


Can't wait to start my 2nd kigurumi mask soon. Although this few months i'm craft back Mia kigurumi mask for molding soon. it will be on my other reports in this blog next time ^^ thanks

- End - Reports from Hui

Test Making On Making Silicone Mold On Ear

There is a lot of way to make a mold out of our Sculpture that we have made. I have try to use fiber glass to cast a mold out of my sculpture and the result is not as what i'm expected and have in mind even it can be done and the result is ok. It's quite a tedious work on it "^^ especially when you have to separate the mold from your sculpture. On the pass few weeks or months, i have try to look for a silicone which is in liquid form within my area (the place where i'm living now). Reason? because want to try to cast my mold using Silicone. The luck is not within me as there is not where i can look for the Silicone in liquid form in my place "==

So i was wandering and thinking, how about using Silicone Sealer or in another word Silicone Caulk. Yes it can be done but there is one risk about using the silicone sealer is there will be a bubble trap in your silicone because it's not liquid and curing time is very fast too "^^

Oh well .. i said to my self, just try it out and see how is it since Yui also said the same thing which is .. "Let's try to make a mold on the ear parts then see how is the result. And we bought 1 Oz of the RTV Silicone sealer.

This how it look like when i cast the one of the ear sculpture into the silicone "^^ It was my 1st try and quite fun actually. Somehow the mold make me think of Alien Slime or texture "^^

2012-02-19 14.55.26-picsay copy

the best part about using silicone is that it will not stick to your sculpture and easy to take them out and you have the shape of your sculpture inside the silicone mold. ^^ easy isn't it? If you scare that the silicone might stick to your sculpture try to use any agent release to separate your sculpture from the mold.

Yesterday i was testing to cast back the ear using FRP resin ^^. the result? take a look on the next photo.

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Crystal ear .. "^^ I never know it is very easy to cast back the ear even the result is not 100% the same but to me 85% and above will do good for me. But still, need to smooth out the unwanted surface. By using the mold it will save my time on the casting ear part next time ^^.

2012-02-19 15.36.32-picsay

Smoothing is not very hard for me just using some sand paper will do ^^ and here is the final result of it. It really satisfied me and which prove that using the sealer can be use on making the mold also.

That is for a small part or portions but how about the bigger part? such as the kigurumi mask head? "^^ well.. i think i have some way to cast it but still i don't know whether it will work or not ^^ until then i end my report here.

-End- Report By Hui
(Sorry that i have to write it in English)

Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
KWonder blog is place where we like to share on our mask character that we have achieve and some photo of out Kig character too. Super Sonico was the 1st Anime that we have achieve and made for KWonder. Hope you like her as well. Thank you

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