* 2 Blank Mask Base Color *
Recently i have painted the base color on the mask with my own mixture which i have try some error before finalize .. i quite satisfied
the color of the mask this time .. which the color look fresh and i did compared with my Anime model figure too .. very close ^^ 

Open and close mouth mask look after been spray if compare with the undercoating "^^

look weird isn't it? ^^
but i did compared with Mia 1st mask which i have made.. and .....

it's really a big different comparing with Mia 1st mask ..
haha... it feel and look like Mia did look tan .. maybe because sit too long under the Sun
? I just fooling around.. "^^ Anyway, i have to get some detail work to do soon .. on the mask .. and order some wig for the mask at the same time. can't wait to see how it turn out to be in the end ... 

Open and close mouth mask look after been spray if compare with the undercoating "^^

look weird isn't it? ^^
but i did compared with Mia 1st mask which i have made.. and .....

it's really a big different comparing with Mia 1st mask ..