-* Mia *- Wearing Dress? ~~~ヾ(^∇^)おはよー♪
Mia is trying Yui old dress that kept inside the cupboard for a long time. ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ 

i was surprised the dress very suitable on Mia *(≧〇≦)* はー!
私はミアのドレスは、適切な見てびっくりしました *(≧〇≦)* はー!

i like the one below of Mia.. so cute when i see she doing this pose.. (≧〇≦)

Soooo.... CUTE ! (*^o^*)

Mia want to thanks Hui and Yui on this photo ..
To be continue


i was surprised the dress very suitable on Mia *(≧〇≦)* はー!
私はミアのドレスは、適切な見てびっくりしました *(≧〇≦)* はー!

i like the one below of Mia.. so cute when i see she doing this pose.. (≧〇≦)

Soooo.... CUTE ! (*^o^*)

Mia want to thanks Hui and Yui on this photo ..
To be continue