Jelly Bean Firmware 4.1 (X Bean) For SGS i9000 (Samsung Galaxy S)
Anyone thinking of update their firmware to Jelly Bean (Android Firmware) to 4.1.1?
or perhaps all of you didn't think that I9000 do have Jelly Bean Firmware?

Well Thank to XDA Developer Team, i did install Jelly Bean in my i9000 and i like it very much. because it is extremely fast and no lag at all. Everything works very smoothly.

Surfing Web using 3G or Wifi also very fast.

A lot of very nice feature as i know that i like such as drag the a widget icon to the front page and the rest of the icon will adjust it self to make a space for it to attach on the page. The lock Screen also have a little different which is .. they including the Google search on the lock screen as a shortcut. Voice search is very good and can recognize out speech very well and you don't have to keep repeating until it is correct like the old firmware

Another think new featured is that you can expand the message or photo by using 2 finger.

After you have taking the photo .. you can view by sliding the camera view to the left side. Just like that and you can see the photo just like my screenshot.
The left side is your camera view (which is still activated.. while the middle and the right is the photo that you have taken just now..
you can read more from XDA forum as well
here is the link :-
or perhaps all of you didn't think that I9000 do have Jelly Bean Firmware?

Well Thank to XDA Developer Team, i did install Jelly Bean in my i9000 and i like it very much. because it is extremely fast and no lag at all. Everything works very smoothly.

Surfing Web using 3G or Wifi also very fast.

A lot of very nice feature as i know that i like such as drag the a widget icon to the front page and the rest of the icon will adjust it self to make a space for it to attach on the page. The lock Screen also have a little different which is .. they including the Google search on the lock screen as a shortcut. Voice search is very good and can recognize out speech very well and you don't have to keep repeating until it is correct like the old firmware

Another think new featured is that you can expand the message or photo by using 2 finger.

After you have taking the photo .. you can view by sliding the camera view to the left side. Just like that and you can see the photo just like my screenshot.

you can read more from XDA forum as well
here is the link :-