Putting Miaa Sitting On The beach 。(⌒∇⌒。)

Actually i always wanted to bring Miaa for outdoor shooting.. but can't ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ”. It's because in my country, not all people living here are willing to accept kigurumi cosplay culture .. but hope there will be some day.. Hopefully ~(>_<。)\

Oh well... Hui did make a quickly edited on one of Miaa Test Photo Taking. Let's bring Miaa to some beach.. ( ^^)人(^^ ) hehe by using Photo editing software.. (PhotoShop)

Since a lot of people are very professional in using photoshop.. but to us, we just a basic user on it .. hehe ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ Sorry if our editing is not very good.. but still can roughly see Miaa on the beach side .. hehe...☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Here is the Original photo of Miaa which taken in our little room .. ヽ(゚ー゚*ヽ) Quite pity actually because Miaa have to take photo in the same place... 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)

Miaa0001 non edited

That is good to have a high resolution photo .. is that you can do a lot of thing on the photo such as cutting out Miaa photo without dropping the photo quality resolution and color ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Miaa0001 640 Edited Blank

Something like this? ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ Yeah~! no background... feel like Miaa in another dimension now.. ( >_<) hehe. Anyway.. after you have clear out the background.. this is the fun part... Find a very nice background on the back.. hoho~... You can fine a lot of choices at any website or you can take a good photo on the scenery that you like as well.. └(★o★)┐

In the end, i make up my mind to choose a beach side background ┌(★o☆)┘

Miaa0001 640 Edited

Tada~!! Miaa at eh beach side.. 〜(^∇^〜) Let's go swimming at the beach side.. with Miaa~ i just kidding ( "^_^) hehe ... Hope you like Miaa at the beach side.. photo which edited by us. Oh ya~!!! sprinkle a little pixie dust effect on her peace sign..

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If i am you, i will go to the park first to test the respond of people to kigurumi. Because no body know who are you. hehe...
if the respond is good i will try go to beach. (^ *^)

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hehe.. Can't do that in my country .. people will see kigurumi cosplay like Alien from outer space later.. (*kidding kidding*) it's because here ... people is still very hard to accept kigurumi cosplay culture to be perform outdoor. (*^▽^*)

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This sound like you doing the Survey already (-_-), why don't take a try. If you afraid, call some one with you, if not mistaken, Hui can with you, but Hui cannot in kig but assist you and help take photograph. All the first time is more scary one. Ask something which country you live, I am interesting on it. -d(^o^)b-

Re: No title

> Yup i know what you mean even Hui is beside me also .. hardly to control the situation ( "^_^). I think if someday there will be a few kig performers in my country to do outdoor photo shooting then it will not a scary one ( ^_^) At least there is a group of it. Which country that i live in? it's Malaysia ( ^ o ^)

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You are Malaysian, at Malaysia, any kigurumi player that beside you in Malaysia ? Their got blog? I just asking d(^_^)b

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mm.. so far as i know only both of us (Me and Hui) and another one is Mirei Chan (Malaysia) .. you can see their facebook on my left facebook bar ( ^_^) Miku and Minami is from Because as i know, we are the only one who making a blog in our own country hehe.. ( ^ o ^)v

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Hmm...,((-_-)), ask something again, look from you blog, you sell the mask right. what character mask you already sell or make? what the owner respond? d(0_0)b.

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mm.. sell upon people request us to help them to make? Yup we are doing that to help others. Because we just started to provide help for other performers who want to own a kigurumi character mask. Still Minami mask was our 1st mask that have been purchased by on of the performer in Indonesia. Hui is making a few more that have been request by other performers as well .. Please look forward to it in future .. hehe ... o( ^ -^)b

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OK(((^O^))), thank you tell me about the kigurumi, I will keep follow up your latest status, (^_^)__b. Keep on going and wish you can find more kigurumi performer in Malaysia. take more picture

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Thank you very much @ Arigato~~~~ ( ^-^ )v we will take more photo next time hehe

Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
KWonder blog is place where we like to share on our mask character that we have achieve and some photo of out Kig character too. Super Sonico was the 1st Anime that we have achieve and made for KWonder. Hope you like her as well. Thank you

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