Miaa Going To The Beach Again ~ (◎_◎;)

Miaa going to the beach again? ⊙△⊙ er.. just playing around or messing around with one of Miaa photo shooting (^▽^*) Although it's not really suitable .. for the photo to have Beach background but.. just another creativity on Miaa photo that i'm thinking .. (⌒▽⌒)☆

here is the original of the photo shot..

Miaa 0011

erm... i think i should cover up the front part *kidding kidding

mm .. as usual clearing up the background and put Miaa to another place .. by dropping a beach background.. again for a little fun for Miaa to be in the beach rather then bring her to the actual beach (☆^ー^☆).

Here it is .. Tadaa~ Miaa going to the beach ~

Miaa 0011 Beach

"May i have a the beach ball please?" Miaa said

Miaa 0011 Beach Photo

Yea~ Miaa have send me a Postcard in E-mail lol... O(≧∇≦)O (Kidding kidding)

Anyway .. hope you like it as i do .. just for fun and creative out of Miaa original photo that have been taken (❁´◡`❁) hehe ..

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Hmmm? going beach again?? ((@O@)) He he, just kidding. Good looking picture. (^O^)___b...

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hehe... Maybe Mia love to go to the beach? or perhaps the performers like to go to the beach lol... (*kidding kidding ) and thank you that you like it .. ʘ‿ʘ

Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
KWonder blog is place where we like to share on our mask character that we have achieve and some photo of out Kig character too. Super Sonico was the 1st Anime that we have achieve and made for KWonder. Hope you like her as well. Thank you

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