Miaa Going To The Beach Again ~ (◎_◎;)
Miaa going to the beach again? ⊙△⊙ er.. just playing around or messing around with one of Miaa photo shooting (^▽^*) Although it's not really suitable .. for the photo to have Beach background but.. just another creativity on Miaa photo that i'm thinking .. (⌒▽⌒)☆
here is the original of the photo shot..

erm... i think i should cover up the front part *kidding kidding
mm .. as usual clearing up the background and put Miaa to another place .. by dropping a beach background.. again for a little fun for Miaa to be in the beach rather then bring her to the actual beach (☆^ー^☆).
Here it is .. Tadaa~ Miaa going to the beach ~

"May i have a the beach ball please?" Miaa said 

Yea~ Miaa have send me a Postcard in E-mail lol... O(≧∇≦)O (Kidding kidding)
Anyway .. hope you like it as i do .. just for fun and creative out of Miaa original photo that have been taken
hehe ..
here is the original of the photo shot..

erm... i think i should cover up the front part *kidding kidding
mm .. as usual clearing up the background and put Miaa to another place .. by dropping a beach background.. again for a little fun for Miaa to be in the beach rather then bring her to the actual beach (☆^ー^☆).
Here it is .. Tadaa~ Miaa going to the beach ~

Yea~ Miaa have send me a Postcard in E-mail lol... O(≧∇≦)O (Kidding kidding)
Anyway .. hope you like it as i do .. just for fun and creative out of Miaa original photo that have been taken