Miaa introduction ^^

Hai everyone (みなさん、こんにちは) ^^ Today Miaa want to introduce my self. Thank you Hui and Yui for adding Miaa in Yui's blog. Miaa very happy to be in this blog as Miaa still learn about kigurumi Cosplay in future. As everyone know Yui and Hui are my master and they have uploaded Miaa photo a lot in this blog. Miaa want to say thank you to them too that help Miaa a lot ^^ どうもありがとうございました Hui San & Yui Chan
Without them, Miaa not exist in Kigurumi world. Some people mistaken me and my master (Yui Chan and Hui San). Miaa is Miaa desu and both (Yui Chan and Hui San) are my master and creator of Miaa Character ^^. Miaa is not taken from any Anime character as some people said Miaa look like some or one of the Character in Anime series ^^.

Miaa not very good in drawing or sketching and also very clumsy sometimes ><. Miaa hope to share some of Miaa favorite photo with everyone in future. Please look forward to it. If anyone have little question for Miaa please write on Miaa facebook message and Miaa will try to reply ^^
This is Miaa personel Facebook account - Miaa's Facebook feel free to add Miaa as Miaa like to know more friends ^^
eeee.. Miaa don't know what to write in Miaa introduction ><. Sorry Miaa is not a very good in writing ">< ごめんなさい But Miaa hope everyone know what Miaa is trying to say in Miaa Introduction

Thank you very much for Visit this Blog, Miaa wish you all the best too.
See You Everyone またお会いし ^^