彼女たちは誰ですか? (Who is this character?)

This month i have a few masks need to be completed and some of of the mask are..... this 2 characters ^^. Although i'm still not a good mask maker but i try my best to make kig mask that request from the performer.

Homura and Madoka KWonder 01_resize

Some of you may know this character well i think if all the character features is there then it is easy to tell "^^.

Ok as some of you may guess it is from Madoka series or Movie , well you are right.

MADOKAKAMI (Madoka Ultimate form):-

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Homura and Madoka KWonder 09_resize


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As i know both of this characters is quite close to each other in the movie and as well as the original Anime series too ^^ quite touching as well on the story line

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Homura and Madoka KWonder 05_resize

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Here is a few shots that i taken when the mask is done for a quick look when it is wear on the performer. Different performer will have different description on the photo "^^ just to let everyone know about it. Because the mask that i make probably will be different from other mask maker around the world as well.

Homura and Madoka KWonder 13_resizeHomura and Madoka KWonder 12_resize

Here is how both of them look like ^^

Homura and Madoka KWonder 11_01_resize

Peace from Madokami and Homura
Hope you all like it and see u in the next post

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Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
KWonder blog is place where we like to share on our mask character that we have achieve and some photo of out Kig character too. Super Sonico was the 1st Anime that we have achieve and made for KWonder. Hope you like her as well. Thank you

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