-* SKET Dance *-スケットダンス

The Sket Team is a school club whose self-proclaimed mission is to help people. It's members are Bossun, the leader; Himeko, the blond girl with a kansai-accent; and bespectacled Switch, intellectual otaku. No matter what your problem may be, they will do their best to help you.
On paper, this sounds cool but the reality is that they usually just laze away in their clubroom. The occasional requests that they do receive are usually trivial matters such as searching for lost objects.

These are the team members of SKET Dance ヾ(´・∀・)ノ Himeko, Bossun and Switch
This Anime is very nice and fun to watch ( ^_^)b
i were surprised when watching episode 26 which Gintama Anime also join the SKET Dance series hehe (人’∀’)
here are the screen shot of it

SKET Dance Anime series is still on air and continue. I hope to see more of the episodes of it .. ヽ((◎´∀`◎))ノ゚・