Test on My Nendoroid (Yui Hirasawa - K-ON) using YN560 Speedlite

Today i want to try to take a few snap on the Nendoroid which i have bought a few months ago ^^ by Good Smile Company. Can't wait to try YN560 Speedlite which i have bought recently "^^.

Yui Hirasawa Nendoroid

Took out Yui Hirasawa Nendoroid.

Yui Hirasawa Nendoroid 03

Here are the detail and parts inside the Box of Yui Hirasawa Nendoroid

Yui Hirasawa Nendoroid 01

Testing on using YN560 Speedlite (enable light trigger function) and it's quite responsive on detecting any type of flash that have trigger.

Yui Hirasawa Nendoroid 02

Using low shuttle speed to snap the photo using YN560 Speedlite. The result is quite good ^^. But bare in mind is that the YN560 Speedlite have a bit of lag time on the light trigger. Therefore i have test it and the result i think for a shuttle speed that i recommended is not more then 250 shuttle speed setting. That is when you are using Light Trigger Sensor function. There are 2 setting on the light trigger function which is S1 and S2.

Yui Hirasawa Nendoroid 04-picsay

Peace from Yui Hirasawa Nendoroid ^^

- End - Report from Hui

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Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
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