Finally my molding items have arrive
Well... it's been a while since I'm waiting for my Molding powder and my Pop bandage@ Plaster bandage. It's lucky that i able to find some casting material within my country ^^. If not i will try to use other items that i can find .. but it's quite troublesome "^^.

(Molding Powder & Pop Bandage
hmm... speaking that the things that i have order have arrived, where is my mask which i need to cast? "^^
Lately i have been reduce and improve Mia mask that i have made for the first time. Hope i will cast it soon on the mask that i have try to improving. i will show to you on my next report.
- End - Report by Hui

(Molding Powder & Pop Bandage
hmm... speaking that the things that i have order have arrived, where is my mask which i need to cast? "^^
Lately i have been reduce and improve Mia mask that i have made for the first time. Hope i will cast it soon on the mask that i have try to improving. i will show to you on my next report.
- End - Report by Hui