Some interesting Places In Malaysia 001

Here i would like to share some of the Photos that i have taken in some interesting places that i have been within my own country (Malaysia)just for sharing ... or perhaps next time those who interested to come to Malaysia or to pay for a visit, may come and see this beautiful scene in my country ^^





Oh! Why people ... line up to get into the coffee shop in a hot sunny day? i was curious and snap a photo of it .. ^^ And so , i found my self also line up with those people waiting for a sit inside >< hehe...


i hear of Chicken Rice, BBQ Chicken Rice, Fried Chicken Rice, Sesame seed Chicken Rice and many more... but.. Chicken Rice Ball ?!? wow.. that is the first time i heard of it.. very creative in term of creating the Chicken rice ball to serve on the plate... 5 chicken rice ball per person ^^ The taste of the rice ball is very delicious and tasty. No wonder people willing to line up outside the coffee shop and yet under a hot weather


This is the normal Chicken Rice dish that i normally saw and eat ^^


There is a lot of Chicken Rice balls for everyone .. ^^

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Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
KWonder blog is place where we like to share on our mask character that we have achieve and some photo of out Kig character too. Super Sonico was the 1st Anime that we have achieve and made for KWonder. Hope you like her as well. Thank you

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