Ready for Chinese New Year Celebration?

Everyone ready for celebration Chinese New Year 2013?

Left few more days before My Chinese friends including Miaa will be celebrate Chinese New year ^^ Is everyone ready on doing the preparations? Miaa also did hear some fire cracker near by Miaa neighborhood ^^ to light up Chinese New Year Celebration spirit.

Some friends still very hardworking in doing preparation by cleaning their house even in wet raining season ^^ Miaa impress by their spirit.

頑張って everyone~!!

Ganbatte Everyone ~~! 頑張って

Fight On~!

By the way< This is Miaa cute red shirt for this CNY ^^

Miaa CNY shirt ^^

Red color is very important color for this festival season. As Miaa know some of the meaning by the red color are, bringing good health, prosperity, luck, good fortunes and longevity ^^ maybe there are some more that Miaa left out.

Getting Ready for Raining Season

Hai Everyone~!!

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Miaa wish you all have a Happy days and stay healthy too. It is been a while that Miaa did not post anythings in this blog for this month due to a little busy lately for Miaa ^^.

This few months do have raining weather in Miaa country ^^ Maybe it is raining season time Therefore i hope Miaa Friends do be careful when driving in wet condition also .....

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always preparing an Umbrella for this raining season. Just stay at home if there is nothing important to do outside ^^ to avoid been getting sick in this bad weather.

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miaa also notice that there are some places getting flood in this raining season such as near by Miaa's country such as Jakarta City from Indonesia country. Miaa read it in the newspaper recently and Miaa hope everything is going to be fine in Jakarta City and to the people there as well. Sometimes natural disaster can't be avoid such as flood toward other countries as well as Miaa's country as well, therefore have to be very careful and be prepare for it.

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lastly before Miaa end Miaa's post, Chinese New Year is just a few weeks more therefore a lot of thing need to be done and prepared for the people who will celebrate Chinese New year soon. Water Snake Year hehe Happy preparation for this festival and see you again soon everyone ^^ bye bye

Miaa Season Greeting 03 *Christmas*

Xmas 2012 04_10

Miaa welcome back safely to Hui San and Yui Chan ^^. Miaa did received some souvenirs from Hui San from the Comic Fiesta event.

Lately in this Christmas Miaa have another New friend of Rilakkuma ^^

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Rilakkuma Graduate version ^^ hehe

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Miaa love this Version of Rilakkuma ^^ cute isn't it ??

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Today Miaa wish you a Merry Christmas for those who celebrate Christmas today and yesterday too. Miaa have a lot of fun in Christmas because there are 2 Rilakkuma accompany Miaa in this Christmas hehe

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Xmas 2012 04_17

Also Miaa wish you Happy New Year too ^^ Still left 5 more days before New 2013. In this coming new year Miaa hope you all have a wonderful throughout the year as well as achieve in everything you do too either works or studies as well ^^

Xmas 2012 04_14

See you Next year everyone and take care ^^

During Comic Fiesta 2012 Event

It was fun to see and enjoy Comic Fiesta 2012. Here are some of the photo which can be saw during the events.

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Mirai itasha car (Cultural Japan) can be seen in front of Danny Choo Cultural Japan Booth.

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Good Smile Nendoroid and also Figma Figure also been display at the back of Goodsmile Booth Next to Cultural Japan Booth ^^.

This is the first time which kigurumi cosplay can be seen at our Malaysia Comic Fiesta 2012 event as well. Mi Rei, Minami Ai Ling and also Mirai join the fun by participating the cosplay event for the first day ^^

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Three Maskerteer ^^ not Musketeer

Some how i find this photo is very very cute between Minami and very lovely Lacus Clyne cosplayer.

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the rest of the photos can be seen on my facebook album (Click Here for the link)

Miaa Season Greeting 02 *Christmas*

Tadaa~!! Miaa wish you a Merry Xmas ( みなさんにメリークリスマス ) to all my friends who visit this blog.

Xmas 2012 07

Sorry >< Miaa is not very good in drawing .. ごめんなさい

Xmas 2012 04_6

Come to think of it.. this is Miaa first celebration of Christmas day.. Miaa happy that Hui did draw Miaa in his tablet.. Miaa love it so much as Miaa not very good in drawing or sketching ><

Xmas 2012 04_8

Miaa hope you all have a good ans splendid Christmas celebration and also for those do not celebrate, Miaa hope you have a very very good holiday season too ^^

Miaa love you all and take good care of your self too in this Christmas festival celebration.

Oh Ya today Hui and Yui going for their holiday vacation, Miaa hope they have a good time in their vacation too ^^

Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
KWonder blog is place where we like to share on our mask character that we have achieve and some photo of out Kig character too. Super Sonico was the 1st Anime that we have achieve and made for KWonder. Hope you like her as well. Thank you

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