Ready for Chinese New Year Celebration?

Everyone ready for celebration Chinese New Year 2013?

Left few more days before My Chinese friends including Miaa will be celebrate Chinese New year ^^ Is everyone ready on doing the preparations? Miaa also did hear some fire cracker near by Miaa neighborhood ^^ to light up Chinese New Year Celebration spirit.

Some friends still very hardworking in doing preparation by cleaning their house even in wet raining season ^^ Miaa impress by their spirit.

頑張って everyone~!!

Ganbatte Everyone ~~! 頑張って

Fight On~!

By the way< This is Miaa cute red shirt for this CNY ^^

Miaa CNY shirt ^^

Red color is very important color for this festival season. As Miaa know some of the meaning by the red color are, bringing good health, prosperity, luck, good fortunes and longevity ^^ maybe there are some more that Miaa left out.

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Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
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