Getting Ready for Raining Season
Hai Everyone~!!

Miaa wish you all have a Happy days and stay healthy too. It is been a while that Miaa did not post anythings in this blog for this month due to a little busy lately for Miaa ^^.
This few months do have raining weather in Miaa country ^^
Maybe it is raining season time
Therefore i hope Miaa Friends do be careful when driving in wet condition also .....

always preparing an Umbrella for this raining season.
Just stay at home if there is nothing important to do outside ^^ to avoid been getting sick in this bad weather.

miaa also notice that there are some places getting flood in this raining season such as near by Miaa's country such as Jakarta City from Indonesia country. Miaa read it in the newspaper recently and Miaa hope everything is going to be fine in Jakarta City and to the people there as well. Sometimes natural disaster can't be avoid such as flood toward other countries as well as Miaa's country as well, therefore have to be very careful and be prepare for it.

lastly before Miaa end Miaa's post, Chinese New Year is just a few weeks more
therefore a lot of thing need to be done and prepared for the people who will celebrate Chinese New year soon. Water Snake Year hehe
Happy preparation for this festival and see you again soon everyone ^^ bye bye

Miaa wish you all have a Happy days and stay healthy too. It is been a while that Miaa did not post anythings in this blog for this month due to a little busy lately for Miaa ^^.
This few months do have raining weather in Miaa country ^^

always preparing an Umbrella for this raining season.

miaa also notice that there are some places getting flood in this raining season such as near by Miaa's country such as Jakarta City from Indonesia country. Miaa read it in the newspaper recently and Miaa hope everything is going to be fine in Jakarta City and to the people there as well. Sometimes natural disaster can't be avoid such as flood toward other countries as well as Miaa's country as well, therefore have to be very careful and be prepare for it.

lastly before Miaa end Miaa's post, Chinese New Year is just a few weeks more