Happy Valentines Day Everyone

Today is valentine day (14 Feb) ^^ and Miaa hope all of Miaa's friends around the world have a lovely valentine day to be share with their love ones. Valentines Day is not only for couple but also we can share our love for our parent, brother or sister as well too ..that is what Miaa think ^^

Miaa Maid 0006 HD

Miaa wish you all have a wonderful time spending with your love ones in this special days ... HAPPY VALENTINES 幸せなバレンタインデー皆~~ ^^ あなたのすべてを愛して

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A lot of people never see Miaa in standing pose before in a photo. Because the space of Miaa room is very small due to to it's limit of space, Miaa can't take a good photo in standing pose. But for this Valentines Day .. Miaa will try to take some photos in standing posing. ^^ for everyone for sharing.

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Hold on, Miaa is getting ready. Miaa like Rilakkuma to be near with Miaa ^^ hehe~




Snap Snap~~

Miaa Standing Posing 2

Thank You Hui san, for combine all of Miaa standing posing in one photo ^^ ありがとう~!!
Miaa hope everyone like the photos of Miaa taking for sharing ^^. Please forgive Miaa did not take a good standing pose photos for everyone because Miaa still learning ^^

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After a long shots, Miaa think Rilakkuma is a little tired hehe so Miaa call off for the photo taking ^^... Oh ya~! before Miaa end the post .. there is one silly post that Miaa want to pose ^^

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Do you know what pose is this? ^^? Beeeeppppp~!!!!!!
Miaa think a lot of people know this pose >< hehe ..

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OK see you all next time.. Miaa need to do some works in the house .. hehe take care everyone and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY~! ^^ take a lot of chocolates from your love ones.

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Happy Chinese New year and Happy Valentine Day, All picture are nice and cute, Can you give me some red pocket?? Have boy friend on Valentine Day ??? Hehe, just kidding, have a nice day. ((^O^))

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Hi 囧 No Body 囧, Miaa wish you Happy Chinese New Year and also Valentines day at the same time ^^ Miaa can't give red pocket but receive red packet hehe .. Valentines day? Miaa no go anywhere just at home but Miaa hope 囧 No Body 囧 have a good day in Valentines. ^^

Yui ゆい

Author:Yui ゆい
Name:- Yui or Hui
Month of Birth :- 19 & 14 March
KWonder blog is place where we like to share on our mask character that we have achieve and some photo of out Kig character too. Super Sonico was the 1st Anime that we have achieve and made for KWonder. Hope you like her as well. Thank you

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