Miaa wondering How is everyone lately?
Lately Miaa wondering how everyone lately? for those who have celebrate Chinese new Year .. Miaa hope you all have a great time on the celebration. For the rest of of Miaa friends , Miaa hope you have have a good and also everything that you do will going to be smooth as well ^^ Oh~ another things.. be happy always ^^

Recently Yui Chan treat Miaa Green Tea Kit-Kat originally from Japan
wow~.. Miaa can't to taste it
.. here is how it is look like .. as Miaa never seen it before 

Ur ... hmm.... Miaa stretching
hehe .. before taste the Kit-Kat..

The taste of the Kit-kat is very nice and it is not very sweet as Miaa don't like very sweet things hehe.. therefore the taste suit Miaa and Miaa like it a lot .. pity in Miaa home country don't sell this type of Kit-Kat chocolate flavor

Since Yui Chan and Hui San busy recently on solving some problems therefore Miaa hope can see Hui continue on his work on making kig mask .. as Miaa waiting for new kigurumi character that Hui will be making soon . ^^

Recently Yui Chan treat Miaa Green Tea Kit-Kat originally from Japan

Ur ... hmm.... Miaa stretching

The taste of the Kit-kat is very nice and it is not very sweet as Miaa don't like very sweet things hehe.. therefore the taste suit Miaa and Miaa like it a lot .. pity in Miaa home country don't sell this type of Kit-Kat chocolate flavor

Since Yui Chan and Hui San busy recently on solving some problems therefore Miaa hope can see Hui continue on his work on making kig mask .. as Miaa waiting for new kigurumi character that Hui will be making soon . ^^